Servco Love at First Lexus Series
"Love at First Lexus" is a heartwarming social media series that pairs two local singles for a one-of-a-kind blind date in a Lexus. The goal? To find a real connection by the end of their date.
Each week features a different pair of singles who will meet for the first time and get to know each other by asking questions and sharing stories. The pairing will also partake in a romantic date activity together while driving around in style featuring Lexus vehicles.
Throughout the date, viewers will see the couple's interactions and get an insight into their personalities and chemistry. By the end of the date, the couple will decide if they want to see each other again or not.
With its unique concept and charming local singles, "Love at First Lexus" promises to be a heartwarming and entertaining reality series that will leave viewers rooting for love.
Watch each episode on @lexushawaii ‘s Instagram:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 3